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Flour Mill Training Review

Draft available for review.

Over the past 12 months ATMA representatives have been involved in a review of the Government's training programs. To provide some history, a Certificate IV in Flour Milling program was written in the 1960's and the last time it was delivered in a TAFE environment was in the early 1980's. The Government has now appointed Skills Impact to conduct a review as to whether this program should be deleted or re-written.

A selection of industry representatives from around Australia came together last month to contribute to this review. As a group we identified that there is a gap in training for flour milling at a Certificate III level. A Certificate III is a basic level of training and would suit a new mill operative in their first or second year of employment to understand the basics. It could be a stepping stone to nabim or be suitable for other mill staff wishing to gain a greater understanding of milling processes.

By filling the gap identified with a Certificate III, new mill operatives would have training path options. These would be:

1. Certificate III in Food Processing - Flour milling specialisation, then complete nabim.
2. Or, skip straight to nabim Intermediate and Advanced Milling Certificates.

Please note the Certificate III WILL NOT replace nabim, nor will it qualify people as a technical miller upon completion.    nabim's Intermediate and Advanced Certificates can still be completed without doing a Certificate III first.

The nabim modules have been developed over decades, provide a world recognised qualification, are delivered by industry experts (tutors), with the assistance of a Virtual Mill. It is widely acknowledged that this is the bench mark for flour milling training in our region.

ATMA will not be involved in the delivering of a Certificate III and this will only be available through the TAFE system. Government subsidies are available for a Cert III. If there is demand, TAFE will take the modules which are being proposed, have them written and then find relevant people to deliver them. This process may take some time.

Should you wish to review the proposed content and provide feedback please do so by following this link.

If you have any queries we are happy to discuss. Alternatively, you can direct them to Skills Impact who are conducting this review.