Fundamentals of Flour Milling Course in Sydney

Fundamentals of Flour Milling Course in Sydney

9-10 August 2016

AEGIC are running a 2 day course in the Fundamentals of Flour Milling.

Who should attend?
The course is specifically designed for people
working in the wheat trade or flour milling
industry in a non- milling capacity, administration,
sales, marketing and management, who need to
understand the basics of the milling process and
how to evaluate flour quality.

This course is designed to familiarise participants
with wheat quality evaluation and how differences
in wheat quality influence the milling process.
The course will provide hands-on experience in
laboratory techniques, and practical milling through
a series of integrated workshops, lectures and
discussion sessions.

Participants will gain a sound understanding of the
fundamentals of milling and how it influences flour
quality for noodles and bread.

New Two Day Format
This highly successful course (formerly known as
“Milling for Non Millers”) has been condensed to a
two day format to reduce the impact on employers.
The most important elements are retained.

Click for further information